关于城堡麦芽比利时城堡麦芽在全球150个国家向3500家啤酒厂提供100多款优质的基础麦芽和特种麦芽,包括大麦、小麦、燕麦以及其他种类谷物,用于酿制各种匠心独具的啤酒和威士忌酒。除了常规特种麦芽,还有多种有机麦芽和不同酚含量的烟熏麦芽可供选择,用于制作烟熏风味的啤酒和蒸馏酒,受到酿酒师们的广泛喜爱。Castle Malting® offers more than 100 types of base and specialty malts of the highest quality, to inspire brewers making any type of beer or whisky, with barley, wheat, oat and other cereals. Our malts have been chosen and appreciated by more than 3500 brewers over 150 countries.王牌产品01基础麦芽 Base malts含城堡皮尔森麦芽、淡色艾尔麦芽、维也纳麦芽等,基础麦芽是啤酒酿造的主要原料之一,为酿酒提供糖分,并影响啤酒的香气和口感。Includes Château Pilsen 2RS, Château Pale Ale, Château Vienna etc. Base malt is the main raw material for beer brewing and its quality impacts directly the quality of beer, as well as its aroma and flavor.02烘焙麦芽 Kilned and Roasted malts在一定温度下将基础麦芽烘烤一定时间,即可得到不同色度的烘焙麦芽,如饼干麦芽、巧克力麦芽、咖啡麦芽等,与基础麦芽一起作用,给啤酒带来各种千变万化的口味和风格,专为精酿啤酒而生。Specialty malts give beer typical aromas and flavors to different types of beers.03焦糖麦芽 Caramel malts焦糖麦芽是指在制麦过程中,已将麦芽颗粒内的淀粉质转化成结晶糖,最终在啤酒中形成残糖的麦芽。焦糖麦芽与基础麦芽搭配使用,给啤酒带来顺滑醇厚的口感,使泡沫丰盈持久,深受精酿爱好者的青睐。Caramel malts provides non-fermentable sugar to beer, making the beer smooth and the foam stable.